Wednesday 28 July 2010

Laminaria progress

I'm happy to report that my lace wrap is really coming along nicely, I say this as I'm really quite surprised that I've managed to make it this far considering I've always hidden away from anything lace related. I picked this pattern as a first go as I was drawn to the colour and the pattern, although I was worried that it would end up as a UFO due to sheer frustration, I'm happy to say that it is progressing very nicely.

The photo below was taken just before I finished the last repeat of the star chart.

The yarn is Knitwitches 3ply Heavyweight 100% cashmere and the colour is called "Jungles" It followed me home from Wonderwool in April and as soon as I saw It I knew I had to knit a wrap with it so the hunt began and there, on Knitty was the Laminaria pattern.

At the moment I'm now currently working on the Transition chart so to prepare me for any whoopsies I may make whilst working the chart I have put a lifeline into place so if I do make a boo-boo I can just simply frog it back to a row which I know is o.k.

So to sum up, for someone who doesn't knit lace, rarely uses circular needles or uses any yarn below a chunky grade I'd like to say whoooyaaa!!!!!

Stay tuned for the next update........

Friday 23 July 2010

Its arrived...Whoop!

As you can see from my recent lack of posting, you can assume that my first tour- de fleece has pretty much sucked!! I haven't really been able to make time to spin :-( which makes me a little sad, but happy as I get to spend time down the beach with hub messing around with kites and buggys. On the upside I am making progress with my lacy Wrap, which I'll post piccys of when I have a bit more on the needles :-)

Since hubby took up kite-buggying, he's realised that I don't get much time to spin whilst I'm down the beach with him, So in an effort to ensure that I'm able to have time for my hobby, he bought me a....wait for it..Drum Carder!!.

It was ordered on Monday, and after a minor mix up with the delivery address, It arrived down my nans today. Ive had a bit of a tinker with it this evening and so far so good, I'm becoming addicted to Crazy Carding :) The only downside I can see of drum carding is I may become lazy (as its definately quicker than hand-carding even though i find hand carding very calming.) Also at the rate I'm shoving fibre through it, I may run out soon!!

I had a voucher for £25.00 to buy fibre from the place where it was purchased so my order has been posted to them today...yaaaay more fibre I can hear hubby sighing as I type :)

I've got an Ashford 72pt 2 speed carder and I'm very, very happy with it, heres a few photos of my first drum carded batts

Thursday 1 July 2010

Le Tour De Fleece

Ever get the impression you've bitten off a little more than you can chew? well that's exactly how I'm feeling today. Ive recently joined up on Ravelry to the Tour de Fleece, which I'm really excited about. Basically it's a woolie version of the Tour de France only you spin instead. I've joined two teams, the Rookies ( as its my first tour) and the Breakaway's (for Art yarns) It starts on Saturday, so I'm crazily trying to prep all my fiber ready for the off.

Well thats not so hard I hear you cry? well try adding that I've also recently started my first lace wrap, oh it's not just any wrap its Laminaria from knitty, well I do like a challenge!

And if your still thinking thats not so bad either, Ive also recently joined up to Gypsy-dancers Freeform Frolic on Ravelry and have 10 weeks of freeform instructions to catch up on. I think its time for me to join 'Team hopelessly overcommitted' on Ravelry. :-)

Over the next few days I will be blogging my Tour de Fleece progress...wish me luck!!