Friday, 29 October 2010

Busy Bee!

Wow! how much does my blogging suck right now? I can't believe that its been nearly two months since I last blogged. So in my defense I have been majorly busy, what with spinning, going on holiday, more spinning, starting my second year at college, getting my etsy-shop and branding for my yarn sorted. But I'm back now so those of you who thought I was laying somewhere being eaten by a pack of wild dogs can worry not!

So the holiday to Cornwall was fab-tastic, I took my spindle and done some lace-weight Tussah silk spindling. Also went body-boarding, NOT to be advised in September weather because both me and Liz (my sister-in-law) froze!! Hubby and Big Bro chose the holiday solely to kite buggy so in the meantime me and Liz rock-pooled. We survived a crab attack and managed to catch some white-bait, slippery little suckers!

Am now in my second year at college so am contemplating my future, mainly deciding what degree to do at Uni, I had a looooooooong think about it and finally decided to go for a teaching degree for early years. I know its going to be hard to get into job-wise but i figure Ive gotta do what I gotta do!

I haven't been blogging for you to know that I 've been through an anti-spinning wheel protest. I decided to improve my skills using a drop spindle and then go back to my wheel. I'm completely addicted to my drop spindle, and now that I'm back on my wheel I can see a massive improvement on my spinning technique :D there's always room for improvement in my case I've broken into the world of laceweight...yeeeeehaaa!

Anyhow stay tuned to see how my Rebekkaleigh Brand and my yarns are developing.......(so exciting!!!).