The photo below was taken just before I finished the last repeat of the star chart.
The yarn is Knitwitches 3ply Heavyweight 100% cashmere and the colour is called "Jungles" It followed me home from Wonderwool in April and as soon as I saw It I knew I had to knit a wrap with it so the hunt began and there, on Knitty was the Laminaria pattern.
At the moment I'm now currently working on the Transition chart so to prepare me for any whoopsies I may make whilst working the chart I have put a lifeline into place so if I do make a boo-boo I can just simply frog it back to a row which I know is o.k.
So to sum up, for someone who doesn't knit lace, rarely uses circular needles or uses any yarn below a chunky grade I'd like to say whoooyaaa!!!!!
Stay tuned for the next update........