I remember when I went three years ago, at the time I was a mere knitter and did not appreciate the wonders of the 'fluff'. This year I knew what was going to happen, I knew that if I didn't have a think about what I wanted I would have ended up just standing and drooling in the doorway not knowing where to go. Lets just say I HAD a plan.....
So our journey started off on the most fabulous weather ever, and we got to roll in style as hubby just got rid of our golf in exchange for a 5yr old BMW 3 series, sweet!! armed with our cameras and lunch we set off. I decided to take my newly aquired 'Intertwined, the art of handspun yarn by Lexi Boeger' as reading material for Alison, and some of my recently new handspun for her to fondle on the way. We decided however, to take an "On the way to Wonderwool" photo on the way..
Check me out on the side of a mountain at Brecon with my wool!!
Can I just add that if I didn't realise I was standing next to what appears to be a grave, OOPS!
Anyway the drive was nice and scenic and we ended up getting to Builth around about 10.15 we got in line and waited patiently to get in. It was well worth the wait, we decided to catch up with some friends on stalls before we actually started our stash enrichment expedition.
Firstly we caught with Machelle from Chopped Tomatoes who has the most beautiful yarn I have ever clapped eyes on and Tora Aka Gypsy Dancer I fell in love with one of Tora's Yarn bowls and decided it had to come home with me. We also caught up with Eirwen from Knitwitches where I also decided that a ball of lace weight cashmere in jungle greens had to be mine. Anne our good friend and spinning teacher was also on hand helping out on Eirwen's stand.
It's safe to say that my plan went out the window and I ended up spending more than I had wanted to, but when I look at my newly acquired stash I can't help but get a warm fuzzy feeling (no pun intended). Alison was not only a fantastic navigator but she was a great shopping buddy aswell, she's opened my mind about fiber and was able to answer any of my fibery related questions when I wasn't sure about anything.
Heres a few photos from the day
Me and my silk cocoon obsession
And the Infamous Noro cardigan, that I want in Adult size
Alison tackling the Ashfords Knitters loom
To see the rest of my Wonderwool 2010 photos check out my Flickr photostream
The day was amazing and I think Alison enjoyed her first wonderwool experience, I'm counting down the days to next years event already!!