Sunday, 31 January 2010

Raiders of the lost fluff.

Today I decided to forage in my spare room, for what I hear you ask? well I've been slowly but surely increasing my fibre stash and now cometh the time to DESTASH! I know, I know nothing good can come of this, but I beg to differ on this occasion I have a really good feeling. But first, I've got to find the damn fluff!

Eventually, I managed to find a mirage of colours. Orange, Blue, Lilac, Pink, White and Grey. All merino apart from the white, which is BFL (Blue Faced Leicester).Firstly I spun two singles, and after a while of continuous stop starting plying wise, the end result is a cheerful rainbow-esk array of colours. I love the texture of the twists.

Here's a few photos of my lovely new yarn..

And here's another one..

And finally..

So to cap it off, not all destashing is a bad thing, apart from the plying part. Maybe I'll wait until I get my bigger flyer before I subject my wheel to that much art yarn again. Now comes the hard part....bringing myself to put it on Etsy!!!

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Every Silver lining has a cloud.

Ok, normally when I spin a yarn I like to remain optomistic, but in this yarn's case seeing what looked like an ugly, grumpy storm cloud in a plastic bag I thought what the hell! Whilst thinking about clouds I remembered the old saying "every cloud has a silver lining" so the hunt commenced for "my silver lining" to cheer up my grumpy yarn.

Eventually, after lots of stash searching I found one. So I plied them babies together and POOF!! 38 yards of what i can only describe as moody yarn.

Heres a quick photo....

and another..

Ok, maybe it doesn't look that moody, but hey you can't always rely on the weather can you? I'm pretty happy with it, in fact I feel a celebratory Woop Woop coming on!!!

Monday, 11 January 2010

Out with the old in with the New Noddy

When I started to learn to spin yarn, I was told that there would be a few basic bits and bobs that I'd need to make my spinning life a little easier. The first being a Niddy Noddy, so I could wind off my newly spun yarn from the bobbin on my spinning wheel and make it into a luurvly yummy skein.

So after describing one, my hunter gatherer hubby hunted, gathered and robbed a broom handle from his parents shed. (shhhh! his mother hasn't noticed its gone yet!!!)

Did I mention I love all handmade things? good so keep this in mind when you see the picture below. Sure its rough and ugly looking but it's Mine, if I could only get hubby to sand it for me and make it pretty looking.

OK 3 weeks later and my Niddy Noddy still looks like this...

So in a desperate attempt to make sure that my ever filling bobbins would eventually be wound off, I lurked on Ebay and am now a proud owner of a lovely brand spankey new hand turned ready to use Niddy Noddy...

Isn't it pretty? and its all MINE!!!!! Aaah the wonders of Ebay. I wonder if they sell project finishing Hubby's, because i'm still waiting for my handmade lazy kate :-) come on hubby get back up the shed!!!!

Friday, 8 January 2010

Knitted baby booties.

I've just finished some cute pink baby booties for a mate who is expecting her first baby next month. She's discovered that she is expecting a little girl so in homage to all things girlie have knitted these...

Here's another arty shot of them.

I love the little flower button, the wool is lambs pride bulky. The yarn is a mix of 85% wool and 15% mohair so their lovely and squishy and soft. I love tiny knits their just so cute!
I'd also been dying to try out this pattern, which is from Stitch 'n' Bitch Nation and is called 'One hour baby booties'. I think they turned out awesome!!

Thursday, 7 January 2010

My new blog, but what should I write about...

Well its the start of a new era for me: my own blog I mean. Having been pestered for probably years by my now hubby. I finally caved in and like him have began to scribble my ideas down for all to read.

So I guess I should say a little more about me and what I do, probably the first thing I should get off my Chest is that I'm a yarn whore. I love it!!! I have nearly a whole room dedicated to my stash along with other crafty bits and bobs. Recently I began to spin my own, in fact only today I finished a skein of two tone pure merino. I haven't been spinning for very long, hubby paid for my spinning lessons as a Christmas prezzie (and also bought me some hand carders), so I think I'm pretty much set up at the moment. Hubby had a few reservations about letting me spin yarn. I seem to remember him telling me that the stash I have right now will most probably outlive me, but I can't help it! I hoard until I get an idea to use a specific yarn.

Knitting is another one of my obsessions, from my very first ugly jumper to the ever increasing UFO's that lie in the black hole that is my UFO box. (Unfinished Object for those of you who were wondering.) In my defense I do like to have a few projects on the go, so they all get an equal turn and eventually end up getting finished.

Im going to finish my first blog post with a picture of my lovely new squishy merino skein, yum yum